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Is Colorado a No-Fault Divorce State?

If you are considering a divorce in Colorado or were served with a divorce petition, you may be confused about the term “no-fault” divorce. What is a no-fault divorce, and what are the effects of a no-fault divorce on the court’s property division, spousal maintenance, and child custody decisions? Read the following for general…

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How is My Children’s Inheritance Affected by a Divorce?

The division of marital property in a divorce can greatly impact a couple’s children together as well as children either spouse might have from previous marriages. Many of the assets that one of the spouses intended to preserve and pass down to children could be sold, divided, or awarded to the other spouse.  Divorcing…

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Protecting Your Assets in a Divorce

The division of marital assets can be one of the most contentious issues in any divorce. You can eliminate much of the stress and conflict associated with marital property division by protecting your assets in preparation for your divorce. The following outlines protecting your assets should a divorce be inevitable. For specific case information,…

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Understanding Alimony in a High-Net-Worth Divorce

To receive alimony, which is called maintenance in Colorado, a spouse must request a maintenance award from the court. Colorado’s family courts have wide latitude when determining whether to award a spouse alimony, at what amount, and for how long. This is especially true in high-net-worth divorces. If you are facing a Colorado divorce…

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Understanding allocation of parental responsibilities in Colorado

Colorado does not use the term child custody when referring to parental rights and responsibilities. Colorado calls the legal child custody process Allocation of Parental Responsibilities and divides parental duties into parenting time and decision-making responsibilities.  What are Parenting Time Responsibilities in Colorado? Parenting time responsibilities are day-to-day parental duties involving the physical care…

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4 tips for life after divorce

Whether the process was amicable or riddled with conflict, ending a marriage is rarely easy for any spouse. After spending years or even decades with the same partner, the idea of starting life over again solo can be incredibly daunting. Divorce is a loss, and as with any loss, it’s normal to go through…

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4 Tips to help children adjust to divorce

There’s no denying that going through a divorce is one of the most challenging events an adult can face. But for children, the impact of a divorce can be incredibly far-reaching. Divorce affects children of all ages, whether they are toddlers or teenagers. Young children may struggle to understand the changes in their household…

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Three red flags that your spouse may be hiding assets

Marital property is subject to division upon divorce. This legal reality tempts some spouses to understate their assets and income, or even hide ownership of certain items altogether. If you are facing divorce and have concerns that your spouse may be holding financial secrets, here are a few red flags to watch out for….

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4 Essential things to include in a parenting plan

Crafting a successful parenting plan is one of the more challenging aspects of divorce for families. In addition to determining how your children will divide their time between you and your ex, parents will also need to agree on how to handle future key events and decision-making. While it would be impossible to plan…

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Do I need a cohabitation agreement?

Today, it’s not uncommon for couples to decide that they want to share their lives together with no immediate plans to walk down the aisle. Often children of divorce themselves, many couples find the idea of marriage to be a gamble or unnecessary for having a fulfilling, long-term relationship with their partner. However, many…

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