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Difference Between Legal Separation and Divorce in Colorado

Colorado recognizes both legal separation and divorce. Under Colorado Code Section 14-10-106, if either spouse requests that the court declare the couples are legally separated, rather than dissolving their marriage, the court will “grant the decree in that form unless the other party objects.” What this means in plain English is, if both parties…

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Tips to Protect Your Kids from Your Divorce

Going through a divorce brings about significant changes for spouses but also profoundly impacts any children involved. Their well-being hinges on parents managing the emotional and psychological fallout that these familial shifts can bring. Given their potential vulnerability, it’s crucial to put in place protective measures that shield your kids from the stressors of…

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Does Shared Custody Affect Child Support?

There are several terms used when discussing child custody in Colorado. Before delving into how shared custody affects child support in the state, it is vital you understand these custody terms.  A thorough knowledge of Colorado custody language will help you avoid confusion when discussing your child support case with others. However, the best…

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Can Alimony Be Modified in Colorado?

Alimony, called maintenance in Colorado, can be a major point of contention in a divorce handled by specialized divorce lawyers in Denver. Maintenance payments are typically meant to bridge a financial gap between divorcing spouses and allow the lesser-earning spouse an opportunity to become financially independent. For example, if one spouse leaves the workforce…

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Benefits of a Prenup in a High Asset Divorce

A prenup or prenuptial agreement is a legal contract between two people before marriage. Prenups define each party’s property rights and outline the distribution of assets, income, and liabilities in the event of a divorce, separation, or death. There are many reasons couples choose to sign prenups. Whether you are contemplating marriage and are…

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Modifying Child Support Orders in Colorado

Families are forever changing. As families grow and age, so do the needs of family members. Some family circumstances necessitate a modification in child support payments.  If you are considering a Colorado child support modification, read the following. Then, seek the guidance of an experienced Denver child support attorney. When Can a Colorado Child…

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How is Alimony Calculated in a Colorado Divorce?

Alimony, or spousal support or maintenance, is a contentious topic in divorce. Spouses who reach an agreement on property division and child custody sometimes leave alimony for the court to resolve.  This is understandable. From the standpoint of the person being asked to make the payments there is often both an emotional response as…

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How are Business Assets Divided in a Colorado Divorce?

Business assets, like other marital assets, are subject to division or some other form of consideration  in a Colorado divorce. It does not matter if those business interests are held solely by one spouse, by both spouses or by one party and other business associates. How business assets are treated varies on a case-by-case…

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