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Benefits of a Prenup in a High Asset Divorce

A prenup or prenuptial agreement is a legal contract between two people before marriage. Prenups define each party’s property rights and outline the distribution of assets, income, and liabilities in the event of a divorce, separation, or death. There are many reasons couples choose to sign prenups. Whether you are contemplating marriage and are…

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How is My Children’s Inheritance Affected by a Divorce?

The division of marital property in a divorce can greatly impact a couple’s children together as well as children either spouse might have from previous marriages. Many of the assets that one of the spouses intended to preserve and pass down to children could be sold, divided, or awarded to the other spouse.  Divorcing…

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How can a prenuptial agreement protect my business?

Your business is an essential part of your life and your livelihood. You have worked hard to provide for your customers while building an income stream for yourself and your loved ones, and perhaps something to pass on to future generations. When you get married, you do not plan to get divorced. Unfortunately, a…

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Could your prenup be invalid?

You had the idea for the prenuptial agreement long before you and your spouse got married. You knew what you wanted: financial protection. You had a lot more wealth than your significant other. While you were dating, you didn’t worry about it that much. Getting married was a serious step forward, though, and you…

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Can you contest that prenup?

You ask for a divorce, and your spouse reminds you of the prenuptial agreement that you have in place. It severely limits your ability to seek what you consider a fair property division solution. Your spouse tells you that there is nothing you can do and that, if you want to get divorced, you…

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Can you challenge your Colorado prenuptial agreement?

You may have signed a prenuptial agreement because you thought that the document would protect you. Alternatively, you may have agreed to sign the document because your spouse wanted you to, and you didn’t see any issue with that. Now, after years of marriage and earning your own income, you have to face the…

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How a prenup may get disputed during a divorce

People often look at a prenuptial agreement as if it is some sort of ironclad agreement that will stand no matter what. Both people signed it, after all. Doesn’t it have to stand up in court? Not always. Never assume that you cannot dispute a prenup — or that your spouse will not dispute…

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