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Does Shared Custody Affect Child Support?

There are several terms used when discussing child custody in Colorado. Before delving into how shared custody affects child support in the state, it is vital you understand these custody terms.  A thorough knowledge of Colorado custody language will help you avoid confusion when discussing your child support case with others. However, the best…

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Understanding allocation of parental responsibilities in Colorado

Colorado does not use the term child custody when referring to parental rights and responsibilities. Colorado calls the legal child custody process Allocation of Parental Responsibilities and divides parental duties into parenting time and decision-making responsibilities.  What are Parenting Time Responsibilities in Colorado? Parenting time responsibilities are day-to-day parental duties involving the physical care…

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4 Essential things to include in a parenting plan

Crafting a successful parenting plan is one of the more challenging aspects of divorce for families. In addition to determining how your children will divide their time between you and your ex, parents will also need to agree on how to handle future key events and decision-making. While it would be impossible to plan…

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When is it necessary to make modifications to parenting plans?

A parenting plan is usually finalized based on either a court decision or through an agreement between both parties. Even when there is an agreement, it must be adopted as a court order to be enforceable. A formal modification of the preexisting plan also requires court action, either approving a mutual agreement or issuing…

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What are the legal implications of separation on child custody?

When a married couple chooses not to live together and makes alternative living arrangements, it is often a precursor to divorce. If there are any children involved, the estranged couple can choose to share custody. During separation, the couple is still married. Simply living apart does not establish a legal separation or end the…

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Are there joint custody laws in Denver, Colorado?

When parents break up, they are expected to develop a parenting plan for the continued upbringing of their children. If they are unable to come to an agreement, the matter may have to be submitted to the court for determination. Disputes over child custody or parenting arrangements are unfortunate but common. In Colorado, the terms…

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What happens when one parent is moving away?

Divorced parents are no stranger to the idea that life can be unpredictable. Whether you are the parent who needs to relocate, or your co-parent is suddenly talking about moving across the country, the news reminds you that your plans can change quickly, and, often, without your permission. It is, admittedly, much simpler when…

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Should parents keep their kids out of custody proceedings?

Changing a family dynamic is incredibly challenging – for both children and their parents. However, there are circumstances when families must evolve, including times when parents divorce or separate. The need to sort out separate living arrangements will arise regardless of whether the parents were ever married to each other or not. Shifting the…

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When should parents avoid 50-50 child custody arrangements?

According to Denver divorce attorneys, it seems like equally shared physical child custody arrangements are the preferred solution for many Colorado parents these days. In the 50-50 child custody solution, the children have two homes and divide their time living between both parents’ residences, and many experts on child psychology believe that this is…

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How do courts determine which parent is the primary caretaker?

The parent who served as primary caretaker of a particular child is the parent whom courts will favor when resolving a child custody disagreement. Determining which parent was the primary caretaker, however, could be subject to different opinions. One parent might argue that he or she made lunches and dinners for the children, while…

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